- Consume 4-5 small meals everyday. This will keep your metabolism burning, prevent you from overeating, and keep you feeling full all day.
- Eat breakfast everyday. Breakfast should include plenty of carbohydrates, and should be largest meal of the day.
- Eat 2-3 servings of fruit everyday. Especially apples and berries which will keep you full and give your body the health benefits of antioxidants.
- Eat 3 servings of vegetables everyday. Make at least 2 of these servings green veggies - especially broccoli, spinach, and asparagus.
- Eat at least 1 source of protein with each meal. Try to stick to lean proteins: chicken, buffalo, eggs, and fish. (Limit red meat)
- Consume plenty of carbs, but only carbs that are complex- whole grain or whole wheat. This helps increase your fiber intake which will result in feeling fuller, and ultimately eating less.
- Consume all carbs before dinner. (4pm or 5pm)
- Consume all meals before 7:30pm.
- No alcohol.
- No refined sugar. This is the hardest change to make, but will produce the most drastic results. This usually means: no dessert, no soda, no coffee creamer, no artificial flavors, no candy.
- Limit cheese and dairy foods.
These are all small changes... but the results and benefits are drastic. To lose weight healthily and without a workout program it usually takes 12 - 14 weeks; don't give up!